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    List of all the ad networks and affiliate programs

    The following is a list of all the ad networks and affiliate programs I use to make money online. They were chosen from this exhaustive list of 130 ad networks. I have used all the following networks at one time or another and can highly recommend them. They have proven to provide good service/support and most importantly, on time payments.

    Why Choose Binary Trading?

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    Infolinks serves those double underline links you see on the blog. When a reader mouse over the link, a relavent ad displays. When the mouse is moved away, the ad disappear.
    The nice thing about Infolinks is that it allows you to make money without taking up or replacing any current ad space. It’s like getting free money! I was an early adapter to in-text advertising because I didn’t want to solely rely on AdSense. Google allows in-text ads to run along side AdSense ads. For publishers, blogs and webmasters that are looking to diversify their ad partners, in-text advertising is far and away the best accompaniment to Google AdSense.
    What makes Infolinks stand out is they offer the highest revenue share in the industry. Other in-text ad providers give only 40% to 50% revenue share. Infolinks gives their publishers 70% and they give that even if you are a smaller blog. In addition to the 70% payout, publishers signing up through JohnChow.com will automatically be allowed to take advantage of all of the premium ads that other in-text companies normally reserve for more brand focused sites.
    Fill out the application and enter “From John Chow dot Com” into the Comments field. The application is sent to my personal account representative. He will take good care of you.

    Sign up for Infolinks

    Rank by Inc. Magazine as the number 5 fastest growing company in America and number 1 fastest growing company for marketing and advertising, Clickbooth is a company you should sign up for. Their affiliate managers are friendly, knowledgeable and always just a phone or email away should require any help with your ads.
    Sign up for Clickbooth

    AzoogleAds is one of the largest performance-based online advertising networks in the world. They offers some of the best and highest paying affiliate deals in the industry. No matter what topic your blog covers, you can find a deal that matches your site. The payout range from $1 to over $100 per action. Affiliate marketing is one of this blog’s biggest moneymaker and AzoogleAds is one of the main networks we use.
    Sign up for AzoogleAds

    Market Leverage
    Market Leverage is another large affiliate network with lots of exclusive offers. Every publisher is assigned his own affiliate manager that will work with him to get the most out of the program. From simple zip submit to high commission sales offer, Market Leverage has it all and they’re great people to work with.
    Sign up for Market Leverage

    TTZ Media Network
    This is my own ad network. It’s ideal for technology and shopping related sites. TTZ Media provides product based ads that are trigger by keywords. The ads show products that are based on the keywords entered and a list of online stores where the products can be purchased. A reader clicking on the product will be taken to the store offering the product for sale. Money is generated with a CPC model. A reader need only click on the banner and visit the advertiser in order for the site to make money. The reader does not have to purchase the product from the advertiser. CPC rates are based on product categories and number of clicks the affiliate can generate. Our tech/review site based affiliates realize eCPM as high as $12.
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    Item Reviewed: List of all the ad networks and affiliate programs Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Make Money
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