I love finding ways to generate traffic to my blog and have networked with other bloggers, asking them their best traffic strategy.
I’ve heard everything from writing the best content, blog commenting, etc. However, the next one is very creative. I was a bit reluctant implementing this strategy but the results were pretty impressive. It’s truly a “hit” or “miss” strategy but, nevertheless, it will generate traffic to your website. Here’s a quick overview…
I’ve heard everything from writing the best content, blog commenting, etc. However, the next one is very creative. I was a bit reluctant implementing this strategy but the results were pretty impressive. It’s truly a “hit” or “miss” strategy but, nevertheless, it will generate traffic to your website. Here’s a quick overview…
When we blog, we often look for traffic from relevant sources like guest posting on related niches, networking with relevant bloggers, and our link building campaigns. However, recently, I came across this traffic generation strategy “find readers and an audience outside of your niche”. This was very interesting so I put together this quick guide.
It’s important to note this strategy will NOT work for every niche so you have to really dig deep into your niche and audience.
Let’s get started…
Audience and Niche
For this traffic strategy to be effective, you need to ensure you have a broad audience. For example, a blog niche of “link building” can be relevant to other blogs in the finance, cooking, marketing, etc. Why? Every blog is interested in strategies that will increase their SERP rankings and link building blogs are effective ways to find strategies to help out. Here’s another example, if you own a travel blog, then people who read finance, health, and SEO blogs will be all interested in your travel blogs as these same people love to travel as well.
For you to start utilizing this traffic strategy, it’s important you figure out your audience. Find out what other niches will be interested in your content. Here are a few questions to ask yourself…
- Will others be interested in my content?
- What other people will be interested in my content?
- Where can I find relevant people in all niches?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can move onto to the next step in narrowing down traffic sources.
Finding Traffic Sources
It’s important you find the right traffic sources and if you’ve been blogging for some time, you shouldn’t have any problems. Focus on traffic searches where you have the option to post links within your author bio or signature. By now, hopefully, you’ve narrowed down other niches that will find your content interesting. The best way to do this is focus on what you’ve been already doing to generate traffic to your blog and shift the focus slightly. For example, if you own a travel blog, then instead of focusing on “travel” forums, I would focus on “finance” forums. Why? I know that people skimming through these forums also love to travel. I also know that forums allow users to add link signatures below each of their posts.
Guest blogging opportunities allow you to add “2” links within your author bio. Another cool thing is these “2” links can be to any niche so I would find relevant guest blogging opportunities. For example, instead of “travel” guest posting, I would focus on “finance” blogs that are accepting guest posts.
These are obviously two examples and you have many more options, but you’ll have to narrow them down. Here’s another one,
Blog commenting can be effective especially those blogs that allow you to add a URL before submitting your comment. If using the same sample above, I would focus on finance, health, etc., and post comments linking back to my website.
This can be very effective and should be utilized by everyone who can broaden their reach.
What’s Next…
Now that you’ve narrowed down potential audience and traffic sources, I recommend trying them all. It’s important to split test traffic sources to find the best ROI and then tweak until optimal performance is achieved. If you’re running an online business, blog, etc., you should have a tracking tool in place, which, in most cases, should be Google Analytics. It’s FREE and provides you with all the statistics you need to tweak and optimize traffic.
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