Facebook in 2014. What I'm about to tell you can be applied to anything .. doesn't have to be MLM
I wrote my story about how i came from village, and couldn't read nor write English, how i was humiliated in Primary school, how i couldn't use clock to tell time and how I began doing network marketing
I thought the story would maybe get 20 Likes and bunch of comments... it turned out to be over a thousand likes, couple thousand comments, and over 100 shares
All of a sudden, people who didn't know me felt like they know me. I was bombarded by friend requests, my inbox was blowing up, and conversations leading to my business opportunity didn't feel like a sales pitch at all
So if you're stuck in your business and seems like nobody is reading your content on Facebook, get comfortable at being uncomfortable. People are drawn to vulnerability. It feels authentic. You seem real! You don't need to be perfect with grammar but make sure your writing is spaced out like this content you're reading
Now you don't need to be an ex-con, ex-drug addict, or anything really bad that happened, but everyone has a story. You have something to share with the world
Some of you that I have talked to on the phone shared with me very good stories, but you need to share that same message to the world
You can control the privacy setting of your posts. Maybe some posts are for family only, you can set your setting to allow on them to see it. Some things you want the world to see, have that post set to PUBLIC. You can play with the privacy setting before you post the content
Maybe something happened to you this week, talk about it
You don't need to post everyday. I post sometimes once a week. When I do post, it's something that people look forward to. It's quality over quantity. I don't share silly funny jokes or funny cat dancing videos or politcs. I just post content that's on my mind and something that i really want to talk about
When you focus on quality and you keep it real and you show people you have flaws, people tag their friends, share, like and comment, and tell their friends to add you as a friend
The more people you attract to you, the more people are open to talk to you, the less resistance they have to take a look at a quick video of what is it that you do
The more you're pitching and selling on social media, the more you're pushing people away
The more ORIGINAL content that you provide that's straight from the heart, the more you're pulling people to you.. and your business
If you're afraid of videos, then don't do videos. I rarely do them. I got a little better after doing a few. If you feel more comfortable writing, then keep writing
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